Monday, June 3, 2013

Birthday Weekend

We spent another weekend at Smith Rock during which I took too few photos...none at the crag because I left my pretty, new phone in the car.

Here's a SELFIE(!!!1) of me playing with the camera on said, new phone.

Aaron's birthday dinner on Friday night was delicious. Instead of a second dessert, I had a Bailey's & espresso.

On Saturday, after a delicious breakfast with some folks in Monmouth, we left for Smith and ended up in Sisters for lunch. We often torment our dog, probably taking years off of his life. Don't call PETA....

Sunday morning this stowaway tried to come out to the crag with us. Unfortunately, he was taken to safety on the side of the road instead.

And, on our way home, we stopped at a legit lemonade stand. Perfect.

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