Sunday, April 28, 2013

Nonfiction April

I deemed April unofficial "nonfiction month". I had a ton of nonfiction piling up on my to-be-read list, and I needed an excuse to get through some of them. April - with two weeks off for the wedding - seemed like a great time.

I managed to finish six books so far, with one still lingering on my Kindle, and I'm excited about that one too.

I'm excited about the prospect of "being able" to read fiction again. the same I'm not as sure of what I want to read next. We'll see.

For now, I'll tell you about the nonfiction books I finished.

Lynn Hill is a badass. That's all there is to it. I knew I was going to love her book before I picked it up, and I was, of course, right. I'm not even sure what to say about it...or to recommend it to you if you're not a female climber.

The thing about Lynn is that she's not really boastful about being such a groundbreaking woman in climbing. She states the facts - which are amazing. This was a great read. One of my favorites of the year so far.

It has me clamoring to get on some "hard" sport routes at Smith Rock ASAP!

Another climbing book I read was "Learning to Fly" by Steph Davis. Another good female climber. Groundbreaking, I suppose, for different reasons. Spoiler: her dog dies at the end. Shocker. Not as well written, despite her masters degree.... I'm indifferent about this one.

I read two books about faith. Though, they were very different.

Does Jesus Really Love Me was an interesting road-trip style story, which at one point finds itself in a town in my home state. Interesting.

Good thoughts & ideas here. But not in Love Does by Bob Goff.

I tend to get sucked in to reading these Christian lifestye books because I'm a Christian ...and because I hear other Christians raving about them. I should learn my lesson by now because I'm never impressed.

Everything in this book...and all of the other Christian lifestyle books has been said before. Someone prove me wrong. I dare you.

I'm excited for the day that one of these books moves me...or is well written. Or, hell, both. I'd be shocked, I tell you.

That's all I feel like writing about at the moment, but you can keep up with all the books I'm reading on goodreads. Let's be friends!

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