Tuesday, January 17, 2012

on moving forward

Aaron finally made it down to Montgomery for good. on Sunday. Before he arrived, I started watching Felicity on Netflix, cleaned the house & did laundry, cooked and generally did my best to soak up my last little bit of living alone. Crazy. ...and I said I'd never have another roommate.

Yesterday we finally made it over to Horse Pins 40 for some bouldering. We ate Chick-Fil-A in Prattville and Chipotle in Hoover and scored a good deal on a hang board for the apartment, and I found a three-year-old down Patagonia vest for half-off. The very friendly folks at Mountain High Outfitters told me it had been lost in a warehouse for years... I think it was waiting for me. It may be my new favorite clothing item.

Basically, a pretty good three-day weekend with lots to look forward to this week: unpacking, seeing my aunt on Thursday and getting paid again!

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